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Summit Academy is proud to place inclusion, consistency and collaboration among our core values. We make every effort to regularly and cohesively communicate our student’s needs, progress and overall well being with parents and guardians.
Here are some aspects of Summit Academy that you can expect:
Daily Communication Log
Teachers are careful to note exceptionally challenging or exceptionally positive things on the sheet when needed. Please rely on the communication log as your primary point of contact with the school. Pertinent information should be relayed to the classroom teachers via the log, as these are checked daily and are closely monitored by the staff. This is also the best way to request a phone call from teachers, or to request follow up from ancillary service providers.
Please be aware that our teachers and direct service staff check their emails during non-instructional hours (after 4 pm), and will make every attempt to respond within 24-48 hours. Any information that is time sensitive (such as attendance, medication, or morning behavior information pertinent to the current school day) should be relayed by phone 508-751-8500. Depending on the nature of the message, a response may come via phone call or email.
Time Sensitive Communication
If your child is going to be absent, please call the school office at 508-751-8500, and speak to a staff member or leave a message. Similarly, if you must relay time sensitive information that you were unable to include in the log, please contact administration:
Nikki Koppel,nkoppel@summitacademiesma.com
Paula Donohue, pdonohue@summitacademiesma.com
Sherry Kellaher, skellaher@summitacademiesma.com
Digital News
Bi-monthly newsletter- This is an information packed e-newsletter with current news about programs and events happening at the school. Join our mailing list by filling in the pop-up form!
Social Media-Check out our updates and follow us on the Summit Facebook page & our Instagram page
Calendar & Events Page-Updated Monthly
Quarterly- Progress Reports, Report Cards, Conferences
In addition to quarterly written reports, including both progress reports and report cards, you will have an opportunity to meet with your child's teachers, ask them questions and speak directly to address any ongoing concerns. This is the format and timeline for the majority of behavioral feedback.
The majority of students at Summit follow a generalized classroom behavior plan, which includes positive reinforcement for following expectations laid out by the classroom teachers. In some cases, targeted behavior goals are associated with additional data collection or analysis, per signed behavior plans and/or IEP goals. You will hear these updates quarterly, unless something notable comes up.
Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Scores
Students are tested in math, language and reading. Scores are longitudinally graphed, and give an additional measure to compare with other grade level assessments - such as MCAS. Students will be taking their first round of NWEA tests in fall (October), in the winter and again in the spring.
Annual Team Meeting
Your annual TEAM meeting is an opportunity to meet with a larger group of service providers - along with your sending school district, to discuss the strengths, challenges and progress of your child.